About Salina Abraham

Salina is a trailblazing Eritrean-American environmentalist, strategist, and advocate for community-led initiatives on climate action, nature, and sustainable development.

Salina is a dynamic force in the global conversation. With a unique skill for bridging sectors, people, and ideas, she transforms traditional “talk shops” into genuine moments that spark new thinking. With a track record of over 340 global events and 18,000 engaged participants, her impactful presence is undeniable.

As a Harvard Center for Public Leadership Environmental Fellow, Salina holds a Masters in Public Policy with a focus on public-private partnerships and sustainable value chains in Africa. She was most recently the Africa Regional Manager at the Global Landscapes Forum, a climate ambassador for the World Bank, and she sits on advisory councils at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Economic Forum.

“One to watch… an inspiring talent. Truly confident and presents complex subjects with great mastery, knowledgable delivery, and full of passion and fun.”

— Sirak Bahlbi

“I am always so interested in the sessions Salina moderates – they manage to capture my full attention (no easy feat in this over-saturated world).”

— Jabri Ibrahim


Helping organizations get clear on their value-add, positioning, and narrative to drive impact.

Speaker and Facilitator

Curating moments where conversations lead to action.

Leadership Coach

Unlocking the leadership potential in emerging talent, offering workshops and edX course instruction.

Partnerships for Green Growth

Exploring the role of sectoral partnerships, governance models and commodities for sustainable development and land use in Africa.

Client Partnerships